Puppy Day Care

Puppies have unique needs, as they’re still learning their basic training and need to be carefully supervised around other dogs.  We’re delighted to look after your little one while you’re away to help them grow into a confident, friendly adult dog.  Check out our puppy day care services:

We offer day care Monday through Friday,

and our centre is open from 9am to 5pm.

We can pick up and drop off your puppy in our zero emission van as part of our daily rate, or, if you prefer, you can come by yourself.  For our transport service, pickup is from 9-11am, drop off is from 4-6pm, and we promise your puppy’s rides in the van will be short as we only operate locally. If you won’t be home for pickup/drop off, we’re happy to take a spare key or lock box code.

Puppies will receive a brief walk on lead through local streets and parks suited to their age, ranging from just a few minutes to half an hour.

Puppies can play and rest in our premises.  We supervise puppies with adult dogs carefully to ensure their safety.

If your puppy needs to be fed while with us, just send their food along in a labeled container and we’ll be happy to provide it according to your directions.

We charge £40 per day for each puppy.

Book With Us Today!